The Andromeda galaxy is the closest galaxy to our own Milkyway galaxy.  It is about 2 million light years away and spans 200,000 light years.  The Milkyway galaxy spans 100,000 light years.  The Andromeda galaxy is dear to me because it is what got me going strong in Astronomy.  I didn't know that with a 60mm telescope I could see a galaxy in my backyard.  One of my coworkers, Mike Beer explained to me how I can see deep space objects with a small telescope like I had.  He pointed me to the Sky and Telescope magazine and invited me to a star party where he had a 13 inch aperture telescope that was built by his own hands, Wow!!!!  I was blown away and quickly become addicted to astronomy.  This picture taken of the Andromeda galaxy has two other galaxies in it, M110 and M32.  This is taken with my ASI071MC color camera and ES 4" APO refractor, with 4 hours and 20 minutes of 300sec subframes, stacked in Deepsky Stacker and processed in Photoshop.


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