Wizard Nebula NGC 7380
Hallows eve is here. What a great time to capture the Wizard Nebula. I tried finding this object for the first time 2 years ago in November. I only owned my 12" aperture telescope for 2 months and I wanted to see some nebula. I was looking at my star map and came across the Wizard Nebula in Cepheus. I had to see this! So I dragged my large telescope out and star hopped to the area. I found a nice open star cluster which was NGC 7380 but I wasn't able to see a nebula. I was a little let down. I did some research and found out that narrow band filters were needed to see faint nebula so I ended up getting an OIII filter. At first I didn't have much luck with filters but after about six months of observing my eyes were becoming better trained on what to look for. A year later I purchased an H-beta filter and saw the Wizard Nebula for the first time. I was at Massacre Rocks state park which is a great dark site. I could see the shape of a cone of gas around the star cluster. I imagined this as the top of the wizard's hat. This Hallows eve ended up be a little cloudy. I was able to get 2 hours of raw RGB data. This will be a good start to an exciting Halloween project.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
You and Mike have really helped me come along getting back into this. I can't begin to thank you enough!