Orion and Running Man Nebula M42, M43, and NGC 1977

Winter is approaching and Scorpio is setting in the early evening.  As Scorpio sets Orion rises.  The Orion constellation is well known in the winter.  There are 5 bright stars that are the showcase of Orion that is the bright Red or Orange star Betelgeuse at the head of Orion and the bright blue star Rigel and the foot of Orion.  Then there are 3 less bright stars that comprise the midsection of Orion or the belt.    There is a bright HII region between the Orion belt and Rigel.  This nebula is so bright that when the skies are good and dark in my backyard, it can be seen with no magnification.  Just to give an idea of how dark the sky is in my backyard.  When there is no moonlight, the Milky way galaxy can be seen but it is very dim.  Orion is rising around 9:30 PM.  I started taking data of the Orion nebula around 12:00 AM until 2:50 AM when Orion is at the meridian.  There was no moon during this time so I used no filter and took 3 minute subs.  I was able to get 2 hours and 30 minutes of good data.  I thought my data had a large dynamic range with all the detail I was able to pull out.  I am planning on getting some H-alpha data later on this object.  I am very exited how this image turned out.  This is my favorite picture since I have started taking pictures.  The Running Man nebula NCG 1977 is the one in the upper left hand corner and the Orion nebula with M43 and M42 is in the center.


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